If you’ve experienced emotional trauma, your beliefs may be stopping you from moving on.
Watch the first video to find out how people can create trauma in their minds without realizing it and how to let it go. Next, for a professional opinion, watch the second video, a testimonial by a treatment center CEO and former client.
Is PTSD a Self-Inflicted Wound That Can Heal?
Testimonial by a treatment center CEO and client
Is PTSD a Self-Inflicted Wound that Can Heal?
More and more people agree that emotional trauma is an overlooked, major cause of emotional and behavioral problems. When upsetting or shocking events haven’t been fully dealt with, they can lead to negative thoughts, feelings, and actions. Some people don’t suffer any lasting effects from these experiences. Many others, however, develop beliefs that cause anxiety and overwhelm, which may be signs of post-traumatic stress. After a traumatic event, PTSD symptoms can include:
- Intrusive flashbacks (reliving a scary scene in your mind)
- Hypervigilance (being on edge all the time)
- Overreacting to situations without self-control, like getting angry out of nowhere
- Unexplained irrational fears, like a fear of butterflies
- Trouble sleeping, such as nightmares or recurring bad dreams
- Constant stress, anxiety, tension, and an inability to calm the mind and body
- Trouble focusing or memory loss
It’s false to say that any event by itself causes PTSD. Instead, it is caused by the thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical responses that came about after a traumatic event. Even if someone else has a similar experience, they might not be affected by it if their subconscious remembers it differently or gave it a different meaning.
We use hypnosis and related techniques like NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and memory reconsolidation as very effective tools to find and fix both symptoms and their root causes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Trauma is very personal and depends on what’s going on in the mind, so different people have different reactions to the same event. Sexual assault, violent crime (including domestic violence), the death of a loved one, seeing or experiencing a serious injury, an abortion or miscarriage, a police or fire rescue, military service, or even growing up in a foster home can be traumatic. Surprisingly, children in foster care are more likely to develop PTSD than military veterans. Adults who were raised in a household with substance abuse, mental illness, or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse may still suffer from trauma. We’ve helped many clients to overcome major traumatic experiences, as well as lesser traumas that still negatively affected their lives. Any experience that upsets you emotionally, no matter how big or small, can cause trauma. We can help you deal with those memories and clear up their unwanted emotional and behavioral effects.
There is always a way out if you are determined to find it. Many psychology experts say that most people with addictions or anxiety experienced trauma during childhood. We have found that to be true with hundreds of our clients. As a result, overcoming addiction or anxiety often requires resolving trauma. We have helped a lot of people who have been through any of the terrible things mentioned above. Many of our clients’ traumatic experiences happened when they were young and were either sexual or violent, so you are not alone. Due to not being able to deal with the trauma, they often had panic attacks, drug or alcohol problems, or relationship challenges. We can help you to clear out the unhealthy thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you have carried since childhood by focusing our attention on the traumatic memories that cause them.
Most of our successful clients had been in therapy for years before they found us. It’s important to know that time doesn’t heal by itself. Healing depends on what happens to memories, perceptions, and habits as time goes by. Many people who have been through traumatic events do not just heal on their own no matter how much time has passed. It’s not enough to tell yourself that the event is over and you’re safe now. If conscious, rational awareness were enough to heal trauma, then talk therapy would be quick and effective, and few people would have anxiety or addictions. Accepting and relearning things on a subconscious level are necessary for lasting emotional healing. At the same time, being unwilling and unable to accept and let go of the past causes emotional pain. When you properly address the wounds within your subconscious, you can heal. It can be a simple matter, no matter what you have been through.
It’s not the “traumatic experience” itself that causes trauma, but the beliefs, perceptions, memories, and conditioning that developed from it. So, you’re right that you can’t change the past. You can, however, change how you remember it, what you learned from it, and how it affects you. When someone suddenly feels afraid or has an uncontrollable urge to do something unhealthy or harmful, it means that an underlying thought pattern is causing it. If the trauma isn’t cleared, that thought pattern stays active in the mind and can cause negative symptoms. That’s how trauma can hide in the background and, seemingly out of nowhere, trigger unwanted feelings and behaviors. It’s sad that so many people think that they must live with the harmful effects of unresolved trauma. They continue to suffer, because they don’t know how to fix it. The good news is that we target the root cause of emotional and behavioral problems to help you eliminate their effects, including some that you might not realize are related.
Unfortunately, many people hold on to the limiting beliefs they learned from traumatic events (“I’m not good enough,” “I’m not safe,” or “other people are bad”). They may claim to be victims of their past, unable to change how it affects them (passive). Since they don’t think they can change that feeling of powerlessness, their fear may show up as anger and the need to control others, which makes them feel powerful (aggressive). In either case, using a traumatic past to justify being passive or aggressive stops those people from getting better. It is possible to get over trauma with the right help, but it’s up to those who have been through it to do so. Clearing the trauma at its source tends to clear up the harmful behaviors it causes, too.
*Testimonials by former clients of Todd or Gina Goodwin are true and factual. Goodwin Hypnosis, its officers, and personnel, do not imply or claim that these comments represent typical results. Results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, motivation, and individual commitment to achieve a desired result. These clients voluntarily offered their feedback and were not compensated in any way. Each comment is the opinion of one person at a specific time and should be considered only in that context.
One of our hypnotists, Gina Goodwin, suffered a lot emotionally when she watched her mother slowly die of cancer. Gina’s grief and trauma went away after she used hypnosis and NLP as a client of the Miami Hypnosis Center (Goodwin Hypnosis). This experience strengthened her desire to become a professional hypnotist. Here’s what she said about it in 2014:
“I cried almost on a daily basis once she was gone…and realized it had kept up for over 2 years. I was constantly fighting back tears, constantly fighting horrible images and getting flashbacks every single day and night. My nights were restless, and the stress in my life was on overload. I had no energy to do anything because this was draining me. It was starting to affect my job, and my health. I realized I needed help. Being a holistic person, I was not sure where to turn. I met Todd, and felt so comfortable telling him everything going on. My life has completely turned around!! After a few sessions with him, I felt like the world around me was transforming before my eyes, when in reality it was ME who was transforming. Before, I had to fight to keep haunting images OUT of my head, and fighting tears every day for two years… and now, I have to fight to try to even PICTURE those haunting images, let alone cry. WOW!!! I can finally breathe again!! My stress levels have gone down, my eating habits are changing, and I am able to sleep without sleep aids.”
Watch Gina describe her powerful transformation through hypnosis:
If you or someone you know has struggled with trauma and wants to feel better, we can help. We don’t diagnose or treat disorders, but we can help solve your problems and get your life back on track. And that’s what really matters.
Take the first step toward recovery
Helping you to resolve emotional trauma is one of our specialties. You may be able to work with us privately, which is the most effective and rapid intervention.