“I was a pack a day smoker for 30+ years. I had unsuccessfully tried Nicorette, Chantix, etc. I quit between the first and second sessions without the usual stressed feeling of fighting constant urges to smoke. This was an amazing experience. I strongly endorse the program!”
Laura Russo
“I was blown away with the outcome of my sessions at Goodwin Hypnosis. I met with Gina Goodwin for a consult to quit smoking. I wanted to kick the horrible habit and get myself into tip top shape. Heath & nutrition is a big part of my life so I wanted to practice what I preach! Well after just 3 sessions with Gina I feel like I have never smoked a day in my life. I’m going to the gym 4 times a week and at 43 I’m in the best shape of my life!! I’m full of energy & so much more positive. I cannot believe how easy it is to be around smokers or even drinking a few glasses of wine and have NO desire or urge at all to light up. THANK YOU GINA! You have changed my life and I’m forever grateful. I highly recommend if you want to say goodbye to bad habits & have positive changes in your life that you go see Gina NOW!”

Jodi DeJesus
“I worked with Todd Goodwin many years ago !! and i am living proof that it works, i had a nasty cigarette habit -i am european that sums it all !! I would quit and even a year later slowly start again , at a party after a glass of wine it was always a perfect excuse to smoke “only one” —- the one turned me quickly into a smoker again ! the dreams, the nightmares, the anxiety the yearning for that smoke made it all very hard for me to stay clean! well almost 7 years ago on Valentines day i went to see Todd and after the first session i was free of it ! i have never smoked again, never had dreams ,never suffered any of the withdrawal symptoms of stopping this ugly smelly harsh addiction —even when people have smoked around me i feel nothing !!! i went to spain 3 months after i quit and had ZERO urge to have a puff of the smelly devil he taught me several other things to use in my daily life because he is very knowledgeable and helpful i also went to see him for anxiety i couldn’t control after a break up of many years , helped me very much with that too and have sent him so many friends that are very happy with the results ! i would recommend going to see him , he is awesome and really cares !!! thank you Todd !!”

Helena G
“I don’t usually write reviews but on this ocasion I am more than happy to do so since Gina and Goodwin Hypnosis have changed my life for better. I am 60 years old, having smoked cigarettes for the last 45 years and having tried to quit several times without success. The last several years I have been a very heavy smoker. More than a pack a day. In my search for options on help of how to quit I found Goodwin Hypnosis on the internet and after reading all the information they provide on their web page I decided to try. It was the best decision I have taken in a long time. Gina guided me through their cigarette quitting method and gave me tools to stay a non smoker. Today it is six weeks now that I dont smoke, coping with the quitting process without problem. If you want to quit smoking dont loose more time and call Gina at Goodwin Hypnosis. Their method works!!”
Enrique Chiappori
“Ms. Gina Goodwin has truly helped change the ways I deal with stress. I came to Gina in October of this past year with major stress and anxiety which lead to 15 years of smoking, nail biting and some hair thinning (yes, I didn’t know stressed caused that!). After meeting Gina at my place of work and telling her about my anxiety she recommended Hypnotherapy could help me learn to control those feelings and help me stop smoking. Gina told me of her experience and really inspired me to seek help. Our session was a break through for me and not only have I not smoked for 8 months, I haven’t craved it which I think is the biggest success. I handle stressful situations in such a calmer manner my employers have even taken notice! Thank you so much Gina, I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon!”
Unicee Cruz
“If you want to quit smoking, this is the place to go. I went to Goodwin Hypnosis after having tried unsuccessfully with gum, patches etc. I had been making promises to myself about quitting since 4 years ago when I began to smoke again after 6 years. My self esteem suffered because I couldn’t keep my promises. When I went to see Todd Goodwin I was very fearful. Past experiences in which I went through torture attempting to quit haunted me. I’d felt very obsessed, nervous and full of cravings. Todd felt confident that with hypnosis and his support I was going to quit easily. Even though I’m a person who is hard to convince, I trusted Todd since the first day. He is a caring and enthusiastic professional. I was amazed at how easy quitting was! I’m so happy! My self confidence has soar. Thank you so much Todd!”
“I always smoked when drinking, hanging out with friends after work in South Beach or doing anything social. I was afraid I’d have to give all that up, but now I have more fun not feeling like I have to smoke all the time. Because of my decision to stop smoking and the support of your hypnosis services, my social life has improved a lot. It’s so much easier to meet new people and make new friends now that I don’t smoke anymore. I’m going to keep referring my smoking buddies to you so all of them can stop smoking, too.”
Ricky Rodriguez
“I quit smoking !!!…..after 35 years of smoking I only tried once. It was with Gina Goodwin from Goodwin Hypnosis…..”ver para creer”…amazing methodology, and deliver. Si…very impressive. The only thing for it to work, is that you MUST want to quit 100%…with no doubts at all. Thanks Gina.”
Jose Maria Ayuso
“I tried so many different smoking cessation products and programs over the past years. These included gums, patches, and pills. Finally, armed with a determination to quit, I decided to try hypnotherapy. I found Goodwin Hypnosis on-line and it changed my life. I used to smoke like a chimney and enjoyed it like anything else, and now I’m happy to finally say that I am a non-smoker.”

Pasquale Pisana
“Todd: Quick note…. I have not had the DESIRE for a cigarette since I left your office. You are a very gifted person and you continue to change my life. If there is anything I can ever do to let the world know of your incredible dedication and talent to the improvement of the quality of your clients’ lives, please know that you can completely count on me. God bless you always.”
“I started smoking at a very young age and smoked for close to 13 years.
Over the last year I have grown conscious of my health and wellbeing and started the internal battle of whether, when or how to quit smoking. Every time I would think of leaving my “comfort partner” I became very anxious and would light up to relieve the stress of just the thought.
A friend who was aware of my desire to quit smoking reffered me to Todd Goodwin and Goodwin Hypnosis as an option to look into. I was afraid to leave my “partner,” but I set up an appointment anyways. I set up my quit date for November 29th and am now a non-smoker. Believe me, it truly was SO MUCH easier than I would have ever thought. He arms you with the tools you need achieve your goals even during the most stressful times.
I will always appreciate that he was able to help guide me through to reaching my goal.”
Laila D.
“Working with Todd Goodwin at Goodwin Hypnosis was, by far, the best decision I have ever made. I was a very heavy smoker (1+ pack/day) for 15 years and had tried to quit 3 times prior to working with Todd. Each time, I not only failed at quitting – I gained a lot of weight trying. When I went to Todd for help, he assured me that he would not only help me quit smoking, but that I would ENJOY the process and possibly even LOSE weight! And that is EXACTLY what happened! I am extremely proud to say I have been a non smoker for 9 months and have lost ten pounds!!! I could not have done this without Todds help at Goodwin Hypnosis. He helped to increase my confidence, make quitting smoking FUN and helped me reduce my temptations to overeat during the process. I am ETERNALLY grateful for what Todd has done for me and I HIGHLY recommend Goodwin Hypnosis to anyone looking to better their lives in any way. In fact, I plan on seeing him again very soon to help me with my New Years resolution to become addicted to the gym! My advice: schedule an appointment with Goodwin Hypnosis today. I guarantee you will be happy with the results.”

Jennifer Zawadzki

*Testimonials by former clients of Todd or Gina Goodwin are true and factual. Goodwin Hypnosis, its officers, and personnel, do not imply or claim that these comments represent typical results. Results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, motivation, and individual commitment to achieve a desired result. These clients voluntarily offered their feedback and were not compensated in any way. Each comment is the opinion of one person at a specific time and should be considered only in that context.
Take the first step toward recovery
If you’re ready to stop smoking once and for all, check out Break the Chains of Smoking.