If quitting smoking hard for you, then you have a belief problem.
Watch this video to learn why it’s so hard for most people to stop smoking and what’s really behind their cravings, urges, and “addictive” behavior. Here’s a clue… It’s not because of the nicotine.
*Testimonials by former clients of Todd or Gina Goodwin are true and factual. Goodwin Hypnosis, its officers, and personnel, do not imply or claim that these comments represent typical results. Results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, motivation, and individual commitment to achieve a desired result. These clients voluntarily offered their feedback and were not compensated in any way. Each comment is the opinion of one person at a specific time and should be considered only in that context.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find answers to these and many other questions in Todd Goodwin’s book, Break the Chains of Smoking: How to Escape the Mental and Emotional Prison That Keeps You Addicted. If you’re ready to stop smoking once and for all, check out Break the Chains of Smoking.
Unfortunately, most people think wrongly that smoking is mostly an addiction to chemicals. Nicotine has a lot of chemical effects on the body, including temporarily changing how the brain works. Rodents get hooked because their brains get used to that stimulation and look for it when it’s not there. Smoking, on the other hand, is much more complicated because most humans are more complex than rats. With people, the mental and emotional parts of smoking are much more important to the “addiction” than the nicotine itself. Even with animals, the “stressed rat” and “happy rat” experiments have shown that emotional stress predicts whether someone becomes addicted. This is especially true for people.
Using hypnosis and NLP, we can reduce your stress and change how your subconscious mind thinks and feels about smoking. Doing this removes the urge to smoke and breaks the compulsion, making the effects of nicotine much less important.
Yes, but first you need to understand that withdrawal and cravings are not the same thing. Withdrawal is mostly a chemical process that can cause physical (and, because of that, emotional) discomfort. Symptoms usually only last a few days and can be lessened by changing some things you eat. For instance, it helps to drink more water, consume less caffeine, and keep blood sugar balanced. You can also reduce withdrawal symptoms through hypnosis, since the mind itself can block feelings of physical pain. Cravings, on the other hand, are signs of emotional dependency, like the feeling of missing a loved one when you’re apart. Believing that you need cigarettes makes you emotionally dependent on them and is why cravings can last a long time. The absence of cigarettes causes discomfort that can be reduced by smoking again. This is why cravings cause people who have just quit smoking to go back to it. Once you stop believing that you need cigarettes, you are no longer dependent on them and no longer want to smoke. Break the Chains of Smoking goes into this topic in a lot more depth.
Absolutely. Willpower is a part of the conscious mind, which is not strong enough to change habits. This is why you and everyone else struggles to quit smoking and other bad habits. Attempts to quit cold turkey fail 95% of the time because they depend on willpower, and willpower fails. Hypnosis works directly with the subconscious, which is much more powerful and controls your beliefs, feelings, and habits. Hypnosis can help you stop smoking easily and naturally without using willpower. It works by changing how you think and feel about smoking, including erasing the belief that it’s hard to quit.
There are a lot of reasons why. First, mentioned above, smoking (and quitting) is mostly mental and emotional in nature. This means that the best way to help someone stop smoking is to focus on the mind, not the chemistry. Second, a lot of research has shown that nicotine replacement (patch and gum) fails more than 90% of the time. The reason is that it focuses on nicotine, which is the least important part of smoking. Third, it’s become clear to scientists in recent years that prescription medications for quitting smoking don’t work very well. This is a fact, despite the impressive marketing efforts of the drug companies (and the doctors they have convinced). So, while some people do quit while using the patch, gum, or pills, their success may be due to other causes and not the drugs themselves. Hypnosis and NLP help you change your mind at the subconscious level. That’s where your thoughts, feelings, and actions are controlled, especially when it comes to smoking and quitting.
Todd’s book, Break the Chains of Smoking, and the educational videos on that website go into more depth about these and many other topics. The book, videos, and other learning materials will give you all the information you need to stop smoking with hypnosis. Then, you can sign up for our 30-day online hypnosis system to help you quit.
Are you ready to quit smoking?
If you’re ready to stop smoking once and for all, check out Break the Chains of Smoking.