Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find answers to general questions about our practice. FAQs for specific issues (like anxiety or self-confidence) are available on the topic-specific pages under the Common Challenges menu.

Our expertise is resolving the negative effects of trauma from any kind of distressing or upsetting experience, no matter how long ago it happened. Specifically, we can help you overcome emotions like worrypanicgrief, shame, or overwhelm, as well as problems with foodalcohol, or gambling. Trauma can cause all of those issues, and our goal is to help you fully recover from both the cause and its effects.

This is a common concern, yet it’s almost never an issue. Since 2007, we can recall only a handful of clients we couldn’t hypnotize (less than 1%). The causes were intentional resistance by the client, a head injury, or medication that impaired their thinking. People with normal intelligence and brain function naturally experience hypnosis several times per day on their own. If you want us to help you and are willing to follow our lead, then you can be hypnotized.

While we can’t promise specific results, we do accept clients only if we believe that they will benefit. We will know that only once we have met you for an initial consultation, which we do by Zoom. Our successful clients do, however, share many things in common. They are open-minded, can handle honest feedback, follow instructions, enjoy learning, and take responsibility for overcoming their problems. If you’re like these successful clients, then we may be able to help you. Those clients who struggled tended to have a victim mentality, make excuses, or defend their problematic behaviors. If you relate to this second group, then we probably can’t help you directly, but you’re welcome to do our online program.

During COVID, we shifted to seeing our clients by Zoom and noticed certain disadvantages. We quickly modified our approach so that the benefits now outweigh the drawbacks. Today, using Zoom provides similar results to the work we did in person during the 13 years before COVID. Clients who saw us in person AND by Zoom were pleasantly surprised that Zoom was equally effective and more convenient. At your initial consultation, we’ll explain how we work by Zoom, which is quite different from most other hypnotists.

Visit to learn how to complete our new client application, watch an eye-opening educational video, and schedule your Zoom-based initial consultation with our online calendar.

Unlike most hypnotists, we don’t work on a per-session basis. While many of our clients experience dramatic improvements after a single session, we know that reinforcement and follow-through are vital for lasting personal transformation. That’s why we design programs that consist of multiple sessions of varying lengths and types. We will determine the nature and pricing of your specific program at your initial consultation. To maximize every client’s likelihood of success, we recommend no more and no less than we believe is necessary to get excellent, sustainable results.