Initial Consultation

Our Zoom sessions work just as well as in-person sessions.

Given how easy it is to use secure online platforms like Zoom, now is the perfect time to work with a skilled and experienced board certified hypnotist like Gina or Todd Goodwin, without being limited to the hypnotists in your area. You might also like how easy and private it is to do remote sessions from the comfort of your own home, without having to waste time or energy fighting traffic. We’ve done online video sessions since 2018. Today, we use Zoom for all appointments with every client.

Gina Goodwin offers private sessions for emotional trauma recovery

Are you ready to work with us?

If you are serious about using our practical, results-driven approach to solve your problems, then we invite you to set up your first consultation.

During this Zoom meeting, we’ll look at your specific situation, try to figure out why you’re having problems, answer your questions, and lay out a plan to help you reach your goal. The meeting is laid-back, full of useful information, and lasts less than an hour. You can be sure that we won’t take you on as a client unless we’re sure we can help you. If we don’t think so, we’ll let you know. 

Initial Consultation with Todd Goodwin

Are you a good fit for our services?

Our successful clients are coachable, dedicated, and responsible. To work with us, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Have an open mind and be ready to take direction, handle critical feedback, and follow instructions;
  • Be motivated and make it a top priority to reach your goal;
  • Take full responsibility for your results and stop making excuses; and
  • Understand that solving your problem will take time and money.

We determine each client’s customized program and its fee at the $97 initial consultation. Therefore, we don’t discuss pricing or your specific situation before we meet. Because our services are not medical, we do not accept any kind of health insurance.

The next step is to fill out our online new client application, which usually takes between 10 and 15 minutes. After that, you can use our online calendar to make an appointment. You’ll also get to watch an eye-opening educational video that will prepare you for our first meeting.

Complete our new client application now: